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What's new with AgricultureU?


Redesigned groups configuration, group presets, group generation, and more.

We’ve completely redesigned the groups configuration interface for assignments, and added some powerful new features. Instead of configuring a single set of default groups for your entire class, create group presets and select them when enabling group assignments.

Shuffle groups or group leaders randomly, and automatically generate new groups with Maximum Collaboration (groups students together who have worked together the least), and Leadership Boost (assigns leadership to students who have the least experience leading).

Finally, hover over students inside the groups page to get a quick snapshot of their leader efficacy, or the average grade received on assignments where they’re a leader.

Complete assignments front-of-class with Interactive Review mode.

When viewing the Student View tab of assignments, teachers have access to a new Interactive Review toggle at the top of the assignment. This allows you to complete the assignment and check your answers in real time.

Better protections against duplicate students.

Previously it was very easy for duplicate students to be added to a class, especially when joining via class codes. Now, if we detect a student is trying to join a class with a name similar to an existing student, we’ll notify the teacher and have them approve the addition. If the teacher finds the student is already in the class, they can easily merge the two accounts and the student’s page is automatically refreshed once they’re added to the class.

Teachers can now rename and delete grading categories.

Previously, once an assignment was enabled inside a grading category, teachers couldn’t make changes to that grading category ever again. That’s frustrating, because things change! Now, teachers can delete existing grading categories, and then select a replacement category to move existing assignments to. Teachers can also rename existing grading categories, and map our built-in categories to their custom categories.

Reorganizing and adding content to your class is now faster and easier.

We've had the same "Use in Class" experience for a while, so it's time for a tune-up. Let's talk about a few of the improvements we've made:

No more back & forth when adding content to your class. Previously, once you clicked "Use in Class," you were taken back to your class where you can drag / drop the content into your sequence. Once you were done, you had to manually go back to where you were. That's pretty time-consuming, so we streamlined the experience to be faster and more intuitive.

Use Split View for bulk changes. When viewing a course preview from the explore tab, click on Open in Split View to open a new view: your class is on the right side of the page, and the course you're viewing is on the left. Drag content over and rearrange content as you see fit, with immediate feedback. Once you're done with your changes, hit Save Changes. Want to start over? Hit Cancel. None of your re-structuring is saved unless you hit Save Changes.

Quickly open Split View from your Course Outline. Instead of having to go to the Explore tab to find a course to be able to add content, the courses in your license are listed directly inside of the Add Content menu. Click Add Content, then Courses, and then click on a course to quickly open it in Split View.

Drag content back & forth between terms inside single-class Split View. If you want to rearrange what content is in Semester 1 or Semester 2, click on the new split view button to the right of the terms picker inside the Course Outline view, and you'll be taken into split view for your current class. One term on the left, the other on the right. Move content back & forth between your terms, and hit Save Changes when you're done.

Make your own modifications to our content.

Teachers are now able to copy AgricultureU content as their own. To get started, head to your Course Outline page and click on the three dots to the right of the enable switch, then click Create a copy.

This creates a copy of our content and adds it to your My Content page. You can now make modifications to this content as you see fit!

You'll also be able to easily distinguish between AgricultureU content and your personal copies, with a new icon to the left of the enable switch.

Better assignment settings, in one place.

Previously, if you were viewing an assignment you wanted to grade, you would have to click Grade Assignment, which would close the assignment content and re-open a new window with the assignment's settings and submissions.

If you wanted to go back to view the assignment's content, you would have to click View Content, which would do this same popping maneuver back to the original window.

That was a whole lot of back and forth! So we combined the two. Now, you can view your assignment content and grade it, all in one place.

We've also redesigned the assignment settings page to be simpler and more balanced for easier editing.

Grade export now supports points-based reporting.

When exporting a grade report from the grades tab in your classes, you now have the option between creating a traditional report, which shows percentages only, and a points-based report, which reports the number of points students received on an assignment instead of a percentage.

A fresh experience for LMS sync and rostering.

Our existing LMS sync / student rostering experience has served us well for many years, but it's time for a refresh. We've completely redesigned the experience with a focus on usability based on feedback we've gathered over the last few years.

Our new LMS sync / rostering experience includes an entirely new way to connect your LMS classes, a simpler rostering experience where you can make bulk-modifications to students in one place, a refreshed students table with simpler and more visible controls, and a refreshed import students modal.

Initial Release

Welcome to AgricultureU! Keep your eyes peeled in this area for important product updates as they are released.


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